






  • Alan Houser, an American Master, Jackson Rushing, HN Abrams, New York, 2004.  Though Houser spent his professional life outside of Oklahoma, he continued to be influenced by his Chiricahua Apache heritage.




  • Uprising!: Woody Crumbo’s Indian Art, Robert Perry (Robert Johnson), Chickasaw Nation Press: Ada, Oklahoma, 2009.







  • Art From Fort Marion: the Silberman Collection,” Joyce Szabo, Western legacies series; v. 4. University of Oklahoma Press: Norman, 2007. Among the Fort Marion prisoners were many members of Oklahoma tribes, including Southern Cheyennes, Southern Arapahos, Kiowas, Comanches etc.









  • The Tiger Legacy,” E.L. Gilmore: Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1968. Jerome Tiger artwork.


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